What's so great about gatsby

I dont think gatsby was great.Gatsby is a criminal who created himself to be someone who he isn't.

Nick constantly hangs out with gatsby because nick sees the good and the love that he has for daisy. Nick believes that gatsby is trying to do the right thing.

Tom and daisy are married to each other but both have separate lives. They both cheat on each other. But as soon as gasby is dead they go back to each other like nothing happend.

I do not like daisy. She is a selfish and likes material things.  She does things that are best for her. I would not let by brother date her because she will be into his things instead of him.

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past". The last sentence of the book was interesting. To me it means that's you can keep moving forward in life but you cant escape who you are.


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