
Showing posts from May, 2019

Masterpiece Academy Final Question Essay

David Garcia Dr.Preston English 6 26 May 2019   In the beginning of the school year, Dr.Preston gave us the option of either working from our textbooks or working online. He stepped out of class for a moment to allow the class to come to an answer. It was shocking, but after a while we voted on working online. Dr. Preston taught differently than most teachers. He worked with us as colleagues and allowed us to work by ourselves. Many people have not had this level of trust in any other class.     Something about this course that made me laugh was when me and Abel found out about Mario's project. He was trying to recreate a dog experiment. Mario would stand up and ring a bell, he gave a candy to the first couple people who copied what he was doing. After the 3rd time Mario tested it, Abel and I felt like we were getting treated like dogs. We asked him about this, Mario nodded his head and we both laughed.    Going through my hero's journey made me feel like a hero becaus

Brave New World Essay

   In Brave New World there are many people who question the reservation. The peroson that fits this is john. He is a dynamic charcter who hates being conditioned. Throughout the story,  john conforms outwardly while questioning inside.    Linda is johns mother. John is the only one in the reservation to have a mother.  In the reservation, it is considerd to be inferior to be a mother. Having a mother made the savage more of an outcast and loner.    Lenina is a person in the book who      challenges john and makes him question himself. John meets lenina and bernard in chapter 7. When John introduces himself to lenina they felt something for each other. In chapter 13 lenina visits john. John tells that he loves her. When he said that she began undressing and pushing herself on her. John grabs her and pushes her off because he doesnt want to have sex while she is off  soma.

The End Of BNW

Ignite talks

My masterpeice is about why are sports important. Over the break i researched about my question and i found out there are alot of benifits. I am going to continute to do research about this topic