
Showing posts from April, 2019

BNW chapter 17 notes

John and mustapha continue their phylosopical convorsation when Helmholtz and bernard leave. Mustapha mond shows the savage old forbidden books of the gods The savage thinks it it natural to belive in a god

Bnw notes chapter 16

Mustapha walks in and greets everyone , especially john. Mustapha ask john if he likes society. John admits he likes some things about it but he doent like it. Mustapha says the people as they are so comditioned that they will do what they must, if anything goes wrong there is soma John thinks too much happiness will make terrible people

Brave new world chapter 15

The alplas are giviing soma to the deltas and talking fown to them The deltas start pushing  so the alphas treaten them with no soma if they dont behave. John tells them thay the soma is poison and he takes it from them. When john throws it out, the deltas attack john. Hemholtz comes to help him. John is fighting deltas while trowing pills away. John and helmhotlz get taken in by police

BNW Chapter 14 notes

The savage goes to the parkland hospital to visit Linda Linda was with 20 other people in a room made to look pleasant When the docter told john that linda had no chance to live he was pale. The doctor was confused because nobody showz that kind of emotion  When he tells her she is her mother, the doctor was horrified Linda was laying down off of soma A group of identical old twins dressed in kaki came surrounding linda They were astonished and talking about her." Why is she so fat" John gets angry when linda calls him pope. He wanted her to say his name because he doesn't want her to forget

Masterpiece Resources

BNW chapter 13 notes

Fanny suggests to lenina that she should hey a V.P.  Lenina says that she wants john and not anyone else.  John was expecting Helmholtz at the door but it was lenina.  John tells lenina that he loves her.  Lenina undresses and presses herself upon john.  John grabs her wrist and pulls her away with force.  John slaps her and she runs into the restroom. John gets a phone call about someone that is sick. He hangs up and hurrys out. 

BNW Chapter 12 notes

• the savage didnt want to come out to meet everyone. He arugues wigh bernard and switches to his native language. • Everybody was mad because they didnt get to meet the savage. • leneina said nothing about john. She wanted to tell him that he loves him, but john doent come out. • The arch- community- songmaster gave bernard advice" mend your ways" • Upstairs the savage was reading romeo and juliet. • helmlotz got in to sometrouble with athority about writing rhymes. • Helmholtz wrote it as propaganda to express how he felt when he wrote it. • Helmholtz laughs at the book because they have mothers in it

BNW chapter 11 notes

• Nobody wanted to see linda because she a mother.She is aslo fat with bad teeth and she lost her youth. •linda took 20 grammes  a day. • Everyone is interested with john. •linda stayed at bernards appartment. • At Eton, they landed on top of the school, in the center of quadrangle stood a chrome statue of ford. • in the beta- minus geography room, john leard that a savage reservation is not worth civilizing. • The library only holds a book of reference. Reading is not for fun. • Bernard doesnt want anything to do with hemoltsz

BNW chapter 10 notes

The kids are playing an erotic game The director meets with henry, he says it is better for bernard to suffer than other men The director calls bernard a tyrant. The director is bernards lover The director is johns dad, he runs over and calls him "Dad". The director gets made fun of for having kids, and they look at him differently.

BNW Reading Notes Chapter 9

• As soon as lenina goes back to the rest house, she takes 6 soma pills. • Bernard stayed looking out in the darkness past midnight thinking of a plan. • It will take lenina 28 years untill she is wakes up. •Bernard finds a way to take john and linda to London •Bernard convinces mustapha mond that john and linda are a matter of "scientific interest" •John is waiting ouside of the the rest house. He thinks no one is coming so he breaks in