
Showing posts from September, 2018


The author's of "Young Goodman Brown" and "Dream Within a Dream" explains why they are similar although they can be different from each other, too. The authors use their ideas of the dreams to make the readers think about what is in the real world.    Both of the stories have similarities between them. Throughout the story, the main character is going not knowing what is real what what is not.  In the story "Young Goodman Brown", Brown is seeing the devil and doesn't know if its reality. He decides to follow the devil where ever he goes. But at the end of the story Brown wakes up in the middle of the story and questions if that even happens.     In the story "Dream within a dream" , it talks about how dreams and real life can feel like the same thing. The main character thinks that life is a dream.     Both of the authors tone goes along with the stories. The Dream within a dream tone was calm and the Young Goodman Brown tone was mo

Young Goodman brown vocabulary

sermon-  a talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during a church service and based on a passage from the Bible Hoary-  (of a person) having gray or white hair; aged fervid- intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree eloquence-  fluent or persuasive speaking or writing blasphemer-  speak irreverently about God or sacred things

Young Goodman brown questions

1.What do you think hawthorne's purpose was for writing this story? A: I think the author wrote the story to show how people could turn evil. 2.Hawthorne states that brown wife is "aptly named " faith after reading the story do you agree? Does brown have true faith in her?  A:I think her name is faith because the whole story brown was going against his faith in the story 3.What do you think pink ribbons signify? A: I think the pink ribbons signify that faith is innocent. 4.Was everything brown witnessed real, a figment of his imagination , something conjured by evil or a dream? A:I think what brown witnessed was only part of his imagination and conjured by evil because he was a nice person before he went to the forest.  5.Who do you think the old man really is ? What textual clues tell you this? A:I think the old man was really satin because in the story he was carrying a staff with a snake wrapped around it. 6.What does the staff represent? Do

Today I'm thinking about?

Today I been thinking about my grades. Since progress reports come out tomorrow I been thinking about how I can improve my grade.

Essay- conscience of a hacker

   The author of " the conscience of a hacker" wants to let you know the both sides of the teenager and the adult. There are people that will stereotype others. The author let's you know that you will get judged from whatever you do.   Most teachers have a common way in teaching. They teach the same way with every student. But every kid has their way of learning. Every student doesn't learn the same. On may understand the concept easier than another . "No, Ms. Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head...". Teachers have to learn that people learn different.

How I learn

I learn by focusing on what I'm suppose to learn. I use music to block the voices of people talking so I can conistrate.

Was it only a dream?

I think it wasn't a dream. I think young Goodman brown was hallucinating. Beacause he thought everything he was seeing was real.

The making of an essay

I am slow at writing essays at first. I have trouble getting starting. I sometimes have trouble looking for information to write about. I dont want to write an essay and get a failing grade.

Literature Anlysis: A work in progress